We had to get a blood test Wednesday for our Visa’s. A bus took us to a little sketchy building with a bunch of people in lines. We were directed to a room with many people in there and in the front was a desk and next to that was a lady who was taking everyone blood right there in the same room. I was so nervous, in the past I have turn a little white and tipsy from needles/blood so the fact that I was sitting in a room with all the blood and people and needles, I thought for sure I was a goner. BUT I survived! It wasn’t too bad, the build up was worse and I made sure to sneak some food and water on the bus. Once we got back no kids came to art class so we sat around and talked to some teachers. The bus ride home was the most excitement we have had all week working at the school. The driver put in a tape (yeh a cassette tape) and blared the music. The kids were clapping and yelling and dancing around. It was so fun to watch them. Here a video clip!
Last night was our first Iftar. It is the dinner party they have after sundown during Ramadan. It was in a really nice place called Sports City. There was a huge pool with a bridge with water flowing from it and lights and table set up in the GRASS, yes green beautiful grass. I already miss grass so much. I took my shoes off just to feel it for a little bit! Anyways, a big spread of food and dessert. It was thrown by Prince Hassan and his wife Princess Sarvath, but we only saw them from a distance, Prince Hassan also gave a speech, but it was in Arabic so not sure what it was about. We had a nice time and got some good food.
p.s. Prince Hassan is the late King Hussain's brother. He would have been King when King Hussain died but 2 weeks before he died, Hussain named his son to be King.

Added a few more photos. Click HERE!
The kids are so cute! What a fun spontaneous party bus! I kinda liked that jam.
ReplyDeleteThe Sports restaurant looked beautiful. Do you have more pictures? Was it real expensive? Was Prince Hussein there, ore did you see him on a video make a speech?
Yeh I have a short video that shows it better but uploading takes forever so I will try sometime later. The iftar was free! And Prince Hassan and his wife Princess Sarvath were there. It wasn't too many people there. We could see them! The iftar was a collection of people from different places that they support/fund/started. The school I am at was started by Princess Sarvath I believe.