Wednesday we went to school as usual and then went to Jerash (Roman ruins) with our visitors that afternoon. We walked around for a little bit getting some pictures and video and then went to dinner at a Lebanese restaurant. Earlier that day they crew went to the other school (ABS) to film around there.
Thursday was a sad day…. Swine flu day was a hoax so they took it back and we had to work. Okay so work isn’t that bad but when you think the week is done and then they tell you just kidding one more day, it is sad. Anyways, Thursday was different anyways since only about ½ the kids or less showed up. (Remember the week break was next week so they must have started vacation early.) I had one class in the morning and then sat around the rest of the day. On the plus side I finished a book I was reading! The crew went to visit the Princess at the Royal Palace that day. They said originally she would only have 5 minutes to talk and they ended up spending about an hour just for the interview as well as longer chatting, then were invited to another room for tea. From what I hear they had a great shoot there and a great experience hanging out with Princess Sarvath. She is the reason why we are here. She is the patron of the school we are working out and the one who worked with our church years ago to send college kids my parent’s age to do the same thing we are now. Hence she has been with our program for a long long time so it was great to have an interview with her as the put together the video about this project. They then went to Stephanie’s work and then to Tine’s for dinner. We hung out around here and then walked down to the falafel shop for dinner. (1 falafel=20 cents)
Friday we were up bright and early to go to Petra. We rented a small bus to fit the 9 of us in as well as a driver. We left at about 6:30am. It is about 3.5 hour drive. Petra just got added to the list as a new “World Wonder.”
- Petra was first established sometime around the 6th century BC, by the Nabataean Arabs, a nomadic tribe who settled in the area and laid the foundations of a commercial empire that extended into Syria.
-carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2000 years ago, turning it into an important junction for the silk, spice and other trade routes that linked China, India and southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria, Greece and Rome.
-Entrance to the city is through the Siq, a narrow gorge, over 1 kilometer in length, which is flanked on either side by soaring, 80 metres high cliffs.
-As you reach the end of the Siq you will catch your first glimpse of Al-Khazneh (Treasury). A massive façade, 30m wide and 43m high, carved out of the sheer, dusky pink, rock-face and dwarfing everything around it. It was carved in the early 1st century as the tomb of an important Nabataean king and represents the engineering genius of these ancient people.
o really explore everything they say you would need about 5 days. We only took one hike. One thing I found cool was a carved out cave that was carpeted with a bed inside as well as dished placed in the wall cracks. We stayed until about 4 and then drove back. We stopped at our favorite hole in the wall local Kabob & Swerma place. It was packed so we took it to go and all piled round our little dinning room table.
Saturday was a holy day for us (Feast of Trumpets) as well at a church day so we met in our apartment and there were 9 of us! We almost doubled our attendance AND we got 2 live speakers. After services we had lunch (lasagna) talked for a while, and it rained! It was the first rain we have seen here and felt so good in this desert. Later we had a bible study and then went to a really good place for dinner. It was outside under a tent canopy and we sat on these couches with a table in the middle with a round inset circle where all the food sat. As always we had kabobs. It was a great atmosphere.
Sunday was our last day with our visitors. As well as our first day of break for the Eid. We woke up at went to the hotel to get personal interviews with the film crew and then said our goodbye. They are headed to Israel for the next couple days before going home. We felt a little lost to not have anything to do or any plans. We have a whole week of break and as of now, no plans. We don’t mind not having plans but the fact that this is our only week break together it’s a little disappointing. We do not have our Visa’s in check so we can not leave the country (which was our original plan) as well as until we get our residence cards everything costs 90% more for us. (i.e. Petra was 21JD for us and 1JD for residents). We decided on movie night and I was the most excited I have been yet when we found Mike’s DVD’s just down the street from our place. There they have all the copied movies you could ever want. They have old, new, and some still in theater videos. The best part is the each movie is only 1JD each. They also have a deal if you buy 5 you get 6th for free and same with 10 get 3. Jamie and I ended up getting 14! We bought 10 and he gave us 4 free as well as chocolate while we shopped. I will now officially be caught up on my movies. It great, just like Redbox except you don’t have to return them! I think this was my most exciting adventure yet :) ha.
Today we are lying around taking it slow this morning. Not sure if we will do anything, probably run at some point, watch a movie! So you are now all officially updated on my week.
P.S. this is when the camel tried to bite me.
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