One of my favorite things about Thailand was the complete difference it is from Jordan. Neither were the U.S. but it was refreshing to have a change. In Jordan everything is dry, sandy, shades of tan, Muslim, and conservative. In Thailand it was tropical, humid, greens and colorful flowers, and Buddhist. Very very different cultures. But way cool that I get to see so much variety. The hotel was really nice, 5 star I think and included breakfast, which was a huge buffet. Saturday night we went to dinner and a show. The Siam Niramit Show was a cultural show about Thailand by dancing to show stories. The show was okay; I think I missed a lot because later a lady was telling me that she had been reading about Thailand history and caught/connected many things that I had no idea were happening. The best part I thought was the stage design. O

The next day was supposed to be a tour of the Grand Palace. Justin and I however, did not make it. I skipped lunch and took a quick nap before and when I came out to the busses to meet the boys Jamie said, um Justin is having problems, he might not make it. Apparently the ATM he tried to use was not working and ate his debit card and would not give it back. Since it was a Sunday no banks were open and no one would come to open it up. We ended up on the phone forever and then just canceling his card. Jamie and Jonathan said the Palace was really good though. I have pictures posted but can’t tell you much about it. We ended up going to a mall and finding a Mexican food place! There is NO Mexican in Jordan and since it is my favorite, I feel a little deprived. It was amazing. We met back up with Jamie and Jonathan and went back to the Thomas’s suit place for their fitting. They tried on, made some suggestions, also, Jonathan decided he wanted another one and we brought more people with us so we picked out more fabric and got them measured. We went to a place with a bunch of shops and looked around and bartered a bit. They are crazy about bartering here and they boys were really good at it, I think they flirted a little.
The next

Our next tour was to the River Kwai. We went to the Bridge over

Other than tours we did TONS of shopping. We also road in tuk tuks and one night a group of us went to karaoke. Besides the tours I would say most of our trip consisted of walking, shopping and eating. We also got massages! Prices there are very cheap, and you can barter so its pretty affordable once you are there. All in all it was a great trip, like always, it went so fast.

I have tons of photos online. There are 2 albums. Here are the links.
Thailand Photos 1
Thailand Photos 2
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